Municipal Corporation
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Olvera (Cádiz),
Francisco Párraga Rodríguez Bachelor in Geography and History at Sevilla University. Specialist diploma in Public and Local Management and Specialization Course in Public Local Law in the Centre of Municipal Studies and International Cooperation (CEMCI). B1 in English by UNED. Written and spoken knowledge of French. Affiliated with PSOE since May 1985. Town councilor of Olvera city council for 14 years. Olvera Mayor from 1995 to 2007, the position he occupies now. |
Rocío Puertas Sánchez First Deputy Mayor (Olvera. 1990) ![]() Areas: Social Services, Youth, Health, Women and Festivities. Bachelor in Law at Granada University, Master’s degree in Criminal Law and Criminal Policy in Málaga University. She exercises the profession of Lawyer in her own office. First Deputy Mayor and Councilwoman-Delegate of Social Services, Health, Women, Youth, and Festivities of Olvera city council. Affiliated with PSOE since September 2014 and with the Socialist Spanish Youth since 2015. Member of the Local Executive Committee of PSOE. |
Graduated in Business Sciences at Pablo de Olavide University, specialized in Accounting Department. Master’s degree in Direction of Financial Entities at Andalucía Business School. Affiliated with PSOE since May 2011. Councilman of Olvera city council since 2011 and spokesperson for the City Socialist Group. Currently, he is Councilman-Delegate of the areas of Local Development and Trade, Civic Participation and Transparency, Municipal Services and Economy and Public Finance in Olvera city council. Member of the Provincial Committee of PSOE and Secretary for Organization of PSOE in Olvera since 2012. |
![]() This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Olvera (Cádiz), 956130011 |
Eva Vílchez Maqueda Third Deputy Mayor (Olvera. 1989) ![]() Areas: Urbanism, Construction, Rural Routes, Tourism and Culture. Architecture Bachelor at the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Málaga University. She completed her studies at Sapienza University of Rome (Italy) and at the Incheon National University (South Korea). Affiliated with PSOE since September 2015. She has worked as Architect for studies of Olvera and Brussels (Belgium) and for the city council of San Fernando. Nowadays she is councilwoman of Urbanism, Constructions, Rural Tracks, Culture and Tourism in Olvera city council. |
![]() This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Olvera (Cádiz), 956130011 |
Silvia Escot Rodríguez Fourth Deputy Mayor (Olvera. 1988) ![]() Areas: Education and Sport. Graduated in Labor Relations and Human Resources at Málaga University. Master’s degree in Employability and Human Resources Management. She currently works as financial advisor in a bank entity. Affiliated with PSOE and with the Socialist Spanish Youth since 2011. She exercises the function of Secretary of Municipal Politics in the Socialist Youth of Olvera. Nowadays she is councilwoman of Education and Sport in Olvera city council. |
![]() This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Olvera (Cádiz), 956130011 |
Graduated in Teaching in the field of Humanities at the University of Cádiz. Civil servant career, currently working in the National Social Security Institute. Member of United Left since 1994, where he has carried out in different periods, positions like Local Coordinator of Olvera and Member of Andalusian Council and Provincial Government. Councilman in the city council of Olvera since 1999. First Deputy Mayor from 2007 to 2012. Mayor from 2013 to 2015. |
![]() This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Olvera (Cádiz), 956130011 |
Rocío García Torrejón City Councilwoman (Olvera. 1982) ![]() Agent of tourist development and monitor free time in cultural and sportive managements. Currently working as socio-educational monitor at the Primary School Centre San José de Calasanz and at the Residential School Ntra. Sra. De los Remedios. Active member of the Local Assembly of United Left since 2007, where she has taken part actively until her jump to the first lines of the party in the local elections of 2015 and currently in the position of councilwoman for United Left/The Greens for Cádiz. She is studying a higher degree of Social Integration. She belongs and takes part in: Cultural Association La Jornada, Association Arteytalento, Local Association Chirigótica “L@s Mochuel@s”. Idealist and fighter against justice and for social change. |
Dolores Villaba Gómez City Councilwoman (Olvera. 1960) ![]() Superior Technician in Preschool Education, graduated in Teaching in the field of Hearing and Language at Málaga University and graduated in Preschool Education at the University of Cádiz. Currently working in the nursery school “El Olivo” in Olvera. At the beginning, she started to work in 1989 in the school residence for children of temporal emigrants, for Olvera city council. Later, she was subrogated to the Municipal Association of Cádiz for which she has been working since then with indefinite contracts. She has never been member of a political party, but has always lived intensely her ideology and not the initials. Affiliated with the trade union Workers’ Commissions (CC.OO) since 1995 and she is councilwoman of Left Union in Olvera city council in the current term. |
![]() This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Olvera (Cádiz), 956130011 |
Francisco Javier Cubiles Morilla City Councilman (Olvera. 1980) ![]() He studied the Secondary School at the Secondary School I.E.S. Zaframagón. Forest firefighter, worker of INFOCA since 2003. He joined United Left of Olvera in 2007. Councilman in the city council of Olvera since 2013, in the position of delegate of Culture, Youth and Civic Participation in the term 2011-2015. Currently councilman of United Left in the city council of Olvera. |
![]() This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Olvera (Cádiz), 956130011 |
María del Carmen Medina Pérez City Councilwoman (Olvera. 1971) ![]() Bachelor in History. Master’s degree in Teacher Training. Knowledge of English and French. She has developed her professional career in private companies like ONCE Foundation in Sevilla. Her period in politics is relatively close to her membership of the formation of United Left in Olvera. Her political activism has brought her to take part in projects with social character related to the fields of women, disability, youth and childhood. She is currently councilwoman of United Left in the city council of Olvera. |
Eduardo José Párraga Pérez City Councilman (Olvera. 1957) ![]() Nursing Graduate at the University of Cádiz. Service official in the Ministry of Health since 1981 in a vacant in Olvera Health Centre, where he is currently exercising his labor as nurse at the same time that exercising his labor of councilman in Olvera city council. At this moment, he is the local president of the Popular Party, position that occupies since September 2010. He joined the Popular Party in 1987. Councilman of the city council of Olvera in the terms 1991-1995, 1995-1999, 2007-2011, 2011-2015 and also in the current term. In the term 2011-2015 he also occupied the position of provincial Member of Parliament in the Council of Cádiz, in the field of urban planning and infrastructure. |
![]() This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Olvera (Cádiz), 956130011 |
María Remedios Serrano García City Councilwoman (Olvera. 1980) ![]() Civil Engineer in the European University of Madrid and Technical Engineer in Public Works in the University of Cádiz. Currently councilwoman of the Popular Party in Olvera city council and Senior Technical Officer in the Prevention of Occupational Risks in the private company INPREX Service of Prevention of Occupational Risks S.L since 2014. She was Construction Supervisor of diverse Wind Farms and Thermosolar Plants in addition of being Security and Health Coordinator for the company Ténica y Proyectos S.A (TYPSA) from 2008 to 2013. She worked from 2005 to 2008 in the Constructora Trabajos Auxiliares de Puentes S.L. as Production Chief and Technical Auxiliary in the construction of infrastructure of civil range. |
Antonio Villaba Sánchez City Councilman (Olvera. 1960) ![]() He got the High School Diploma between High Schools of Olvera and Ronda. Entrepeneur in the field of infrastructure until 2010. Councilman of Olvera city council in the terms 1991-1995 and 1995-1999. In 2011 he joined the Popular Party and was councilman for the two last years of the term 2011-2015. He is councilman currently and occupies the position of spokesperson of the Popular Party in Olvera city council.