The Active Elderly


In 2007 the Provincial Government of Cádiz began to run this Program as an answer to the necessities of adapting to the social reality and following the directives proposed in the World Assembly of the United Nations in Madrid in 2002, concreting it afterwards in diverse documents, the White Book of the Active Ageing among them in Andalusia in 2010.

The initiative in our province begins in the townships with less access to social resources, these are the smallest ones (less than 10000 inhabitants) and the furthest ones from the urban cores (the area of Sierra de Cádiz); due to the results gotten throughout this time, it is brought up in 2012 its extension to the rest of townships which have less than 10000 inhabitants.

The concrete activity is based on the implementation and expansion of the paradigm of Active Ageing, through different activities which main goal is to improve the life quality of the elderly by improving their health and their security conditions and promoting their participation, all this with the exercise of their Rights.

The idea of its implementation comes out as an answer to the necessity to reconsider the role the elderly are living in the current society: what is the social representation they have, how are they living this stage of life, what are their needs, knowing whether they are being respected or listened to, whether they feel they are taken into account…


This program is directly aimed at old people who are at least 60 of the participant townships, through as it has a transversal character, the benefits are also in different social groups (children and young people, associations, diverse collectives…)


  • To promote the image of the collective of the elderly as a protagonist group of their own ageing process, making visible their potentialities and their contribution in their families and their villages.
  • To offer an area of development to the collective of the elderly through directed actions that promote the health, autonomy, decision making, cognitive stimulation and the skill promotion and acquisition.
  • To create a solid structure by which actions can flow through and there are developed attitudes typical of the active ageing, extensive to their immediate environment.
  • To promote the integration and participation of the elderly in the local reality.


The activities carried out are framed within different sectors: memory, handcrafting, cultural and educational activities, activities of civil participation, intergenerational activities and health activities. In the same way, there are common initiatives coordinated from the Area: Annual Gathering of the Active Elderly, Commemoration of the International Day of the Elderly,…

Links of interest:

It is currently located in the Culture House, 1st Floor in the afternoon schedule.