
The City Council of Olvera has available an app in order to check the associations of the Township.

Click on the following link to access to this app.


A continuación aparece informacion obtenida de las diferentes asociaciones por si es de interés:


Charitable Associations

Caritas Parochial la Encarnación

C/. LLana,39. Telephone: 956 120002

Institution belonging to the Church responsable for promoting, guiding and coordination the charitable and social action within the Church.


C/ Mercado, s/n. Telephone: 956 130570.Fax 956 130062

Association of Help to the Disabled of Olvera

Volunteers Association SOL

C/.Victoria, 31. Telephone: 956 120259

Volunteers association with the goal to provide companionship to people.


Avda. Ntra.Sra. de los Remedios, 31. Telephone: 956 130925. Fax: 956-130925
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Association of relatives sick of Alzheimer

Attention to the public Timetable: From Monday to Friday from 10:00h to 14:00h
Offices and workshops: C/. Pico, s/n
Facility Cristobal Colón
Services they offer:
- Stimulation Workshop. 
- Psychological attention. 
- Social Attention. 
- Mutual help Workshop. 
- Workshop for Family members.  
- Volunteering.
- Speech therapist, occupational therapy, nursery…etc

Manos Unidas

Aid Association

Madre Coraje

Charitable Association


Cultural Associations

Music Band of Olvera

Its website is

A.A.R.N. Zaframagón y Sierra de Lijar


"El Traspunte"Youth Association

C/. Garduñera, 15. Telephone: 617833897

"La Jornada"Cultural Association

Its website is

"Ntra.Sra. de los Remedios"Catholic Scout Group

Avda. Julian Besteiro, 9. Telephone: 956 130020

"El Submarino"Association of Young correspondents

Telephone: 956 130835

"Vía Verde"Ornithological Association

C/. Pruna 40. Telephone: 956 130858


Brotherhood of Ntro. Padre Jesús de Nazareno and Nta. Sra. de los Dolores

Accodring to the data that appear in a written, the Brotherhood is dated from 1740, although it was in 1970 when the Faithful Association was founded.

The image of Jesús Nazareno dates from 1940, being the candelabrum until 1991 when, after a study of the  maker of religious images  from Sevilla, Mr. Francisco Limón Parra, carried out the restoration of this image in cedar.

Ntra. Sra. de los Dolores dates from 1989. It was sculpted by the maker of religious images and professor of Fine Arts Mr. Juan Manuel Miñarro López. The expenses of the image were paid by contributions of the population as it was sculpted on behalf of the destruction of the former image in a fire which dated from 1960.

The parade of Jesus was acquires in 19993, of baroque style of wood and gold leaf. It is carried by 63 men.

The parade of Ntra. Sra. de los Dolores is from 1989, made by the Brothers Angulos de Lucena (Córdoba). Sculpted in nickel-silver, with 12 supports and also carried by 63 men.

The tunic and the large hood is purple, with purple and yellow circles accompanied of white tunic and red inside and a lateral emblem below the shoulder.      

The parade exit is in the evening of the Maundy Thursday at 6am in the Parochial Church. It is 8 hours long through several streets, corners and strategic points where you can enjoy the beauty of its processional parade.

In our Easter it is of great interest to be accompanied of so many devoted people in the procession.

Business Associations

Alliance of Entrepreneurs of Andalusia
Local Centre of Advanced Services of Olvera
C/. Bellavista, s/n
Telephone:  956 122153
Fax 956 120576
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Its website is this one


Political Associations

C/. Pico,22 Telephone: 956 120540.

C/. Llana, 15, Telephone: 956 120300

Avda.Diputación 2 Telephone: 956 130337

Union Associations

C/.Mercado,38  956 120255  y  C/.Pico,26  956 131010